《爱情公寓外传 》




昨天晚上通宵改Geely iPad的bug,这个bug改了8个小时。问题是程序会泄露导致崩溃。


[vBackground stopAllActions];

[vMenu stopAllActions];

id backgroundFaceAction=[CCFadeOut actionWithDuration:0.7];

id backgroundCallAction=[CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:@selector(removeNode:)];

id backgroundSequenceAction=[CCSequence actions:backgroundFaceAction, backgroundCallAction, nil];

id menuFaceAction=[CCFadeOut actionWithDuration:0.7];

id menuCallAction=[CCCallFuncN actionWithTarget:self selector:@selector(removeNode:)];

id menuSequenceAction=[CCSequence actions:menuFaceAction, menuCallAction, nil];

[vBackground runAction:backgroundSequenceAction];

[vMenu runAction:menuSequenceAction];


-(void) removeNode:(id)vNode


CCNode *node=vNode;

if (node.parent!=nil)


[self removeChild:node cleanup:YES];




[self removeNode:vBackground];

[self removeNode:vMenu];




// play video
NSString *videoPath=[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"110414_Gilly_Mix" ofType:@"mov"];
NSURL *videoUrl=[NSURL fileURLWithPath:videoPath];
MPMoviePlayerViewController *player= [[MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc] initWithContentURL:videoUrl];
player.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor blackColor];
player.moviePlayer.movieSourceType = MPMovieSourceTypeFile;
player.moviePlayer.movieControlMode = MPMovieControlModeHidden;
[[[player moviePlayer] backgroundView] setBackgroundColor:[UIColor blackColor]];
[[[CCDirector sharedDirector] openGLView] addSubview:player.view];

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]

[[player moviePlayer] play];

[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter]






问题描述:昨天换的2011新15寸MBP,通过Time Machine把资料倒入新电本。今天编译Geely iPad不通过,问题多多,首先是证书问题,通过重新做了一个证书解决了。后来又碰到个非常奇怪的问题,出怪版了。


GNU gdb 6.3.50-20050815 (Apple version gdb-1518) (Sat Feb 12 02:52:12 UTC 2011)

Copyright 2004 Free Software Foundation, Inc.

GDB is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and you are

welcome to change it and/or distribute copies of it under certain conditions.

Type "show copying" to see the conditions.

There is absolutely no warranty for GDB.  Type "show warranty" for details.

This GDB was configured as "x86_64-apple-darwin".Attaching to process 2375.

2011-04-09 16:54:41.148 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: cocos2d v1.0.0-beta

2011-04-09 16:54:41.149 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: Using Director Type:CCDirectorDisplayLink

2011-04-09 16:54:41.164 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: OS version: 4.3 (0x04030000)

2011-04-09 16:54:41.164 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: GL_VENDOR:   Apple Computer, Inc.

2011-04-09 16:54:41.164 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: GL_RENDERER: Apple Software Renderer

2011-04-09 16:54:41.165 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: GL_VERSION:  OpenGL ES-CM 1.1 APPLE

2011-04-09 16:54:41.165 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE: 2048

2011-04-09 16:54:41.166 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: GL_MAX_MODELVIEW_STACK_DEPTH: 16

2011-04-09 16:54:41.166 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: GL_MAX_SAMPLES: 4

2011-04-09 16:54:41.167 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: GL supports PVRTC: YES

2011-04-09 16:54:41.167 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: GL supports BGRA8888 textures: YES

2011-04-09 16:54:41.167 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: GL supports NPOT textures: YES

2011-04-09 16:54:41.168 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: GL supports discard_framebuffer: YES

2011-04-09 16:54:41.168 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: compiled with NPOT support: NO

2011-04-09 16:54:41.168 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: compiled with VBO support in TextureAtlas : YES

2011-04-09 16:54:41.203 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: compiled with Affine Matrix transformation in CCNode : YES

2011-04-09 16:54:41.204 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: compiled with Profiling Support: NO

2011-04-09 16:54:41.213 Geely[2375:207] cocos2d: surface size: 1024x768

[Switching to process 2375 thread 0x580b]

[Switching to process 2375 thread 0x207]

LLVM ERROR: Cannot yet select: 0x5838e90: v2i64 = bit_convert 0x58693d8 [ID=115]

0x58693d8: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.d 0x5839138, 0x58691b8, 0x5837930 [ORD=123] [ID=112]

0x5839138: i32 = Constant<677> [ORD=23] [ID=6]

0x58691b8: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586c310 [ORD=119] [ID=109]

0x586c310: v4f32 = X86ISD::MOVHLPS 0x586c0f0, 0x586c200 [ID=105]

0x586c0f0: v4f32 = X86ISD::UNPCKHPS 0x5868718, 0x5868938 [ID=101]

0x5868718: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5868690 [ORD=91] [ID=96]

0x5868690: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.cvttps2dq 0x58681b8, 0x5868608 [ORD=90] [ID=92]

0x58681b8: i32 = Constant<629> [ORD=80] [ID=13]

0x5868608: v4f32 = fmul 0x5867c68, 0x5868e00 [ORD=89] [ID=88]

0x5867c68: v4f32 = fmul 0x5867be0, 0x5868350 [ORD=69] [ID=84]

0x5867be0: v4f32 = llvm.x86.sse2.cvtdq2ps 0x5839d70, 0x5867b58 [ORD=68] [ID=80]

0x5839d70: i32 = Constant<617> [ORD=56] [ID=12]

0x5867b58: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bf58 [ORD=67] [ID=76]

0x586bf58: v4f32 = X86ISD::MOVLHPS 0x586bdc0, 0x586bcb0 [ID=72]

0x586bdc0: v4f32 = X86ISD::UNPCKHPS 0x58372d0, 0x5839358 [ID=69]

0x58372d0: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5837578 [ORD=30] [ID=60]

0x5837578: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.d 0x5837ac8, 0x5837028, 0x5837820 [ORD=27] [ID=56]

0x5837ac8: i32 = Constant<689> [ORD=27] [ID=9]

0x5837028: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=22] [ID=54]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5837820: i32 = Constant<12> [ORD=27] [ID=10]

0x5839358: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x58371c0 [ORD=32] [ID=65]

0x58371c0: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.d 0x5837ac8, 0x5837bd8, 0x5837138 [ORD=28] [ID=62]

0x5837ac8: i32 = Constant<689> [ORD=27] [ID=9]

0x5837bd8: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.d 0x5839138, 0x5837028, 0x5838fa0 [ORD=23] [ID=58]

0x5839138: i32 = Constant<677> [ORD=23] [ID=6]

0x5837028: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=22] [ID=54]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5838fa0: i32 = Constant<20> [ORD=23] [ID=7]

0x5837138: i32 = Constant<28> [ORD=28] [ID=11]

0x586bcb0: v4f32 = X86ISD::UNPCKHPS 0x5839468, 0x5839578 [ID=67]

0x5839468: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5837248 [ORD=34] [ID=64]

0x5837248: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.d 0x5837ac8, 0x5837688, 0x5837138 [ORD=29] [ID=61]

0x5837ac8: i32 = Constant<689> [ORD=27] [ID=9]

0x5837688: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.d 0x5839138, 0x5837028, 0x5837930 [ORD=24] [ID=57]

0x5839138: i32 = Constant<677> [ORD=23] [ID=6]

0x5837028: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=22] [ID=54]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5837930: i32 = Constant<24> [ORD=24] [ID=8]

0x5837138: i32 = Constant<28> [ORD=28] [ID=11]

0x5839578: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5837d70 [ORD=36] [ID=63]

0x5837d70: v2i64 = and 0x58373e0, 0x586b750 [ORD=26] [ID=59]

0x58373e0: v2i64 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=25] [ID=55]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x586b750: v2i64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x586b6c8, 0x5837a40<LD16[ConstantPool]> [ID=50]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x586b6c8: i32 = add 0x58394f0, 0x586b640 [ID=42]

0x58394f0: i32 = X86ISD::GlobalBaseReg [ID=22]

0x586b640: i32 = X86ISD::Wrapper 0x586b5b8 [ID=34]

0x586b5b8: i32 = TargetConstantPool<<4 x i32> <i32 15, i32 15, i32 15, i32 15>> 0 [TF=2] [ID=26]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5868350: v4f32,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x58689c0, 0x5837a40<LD16[ConstantPool]> [ID=48]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58689c0: i32 = add 0x58394f0, 0x58687a0 [ID=40]

0x58394f0: i32 = X86ISD::GlobalBaseReg [ID=22]

0x58687a0: i32 = X86ISD::Wrapper 0x5868570 [ID=32]

0x5868570: i32 = TargetConstantPool<<4 x float> <float 0x3FB1111120000000, float 0x3FB1111120000000, float 0x3FB1111120000000, float 0x3FB1111120000000>> 0 [TF=2] [ID=24]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5868e00: v4f32,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x586ab18, 0x5837a40<LD16[ConstantPool]> [ID=49]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x586ab18: i32 = add 0x58394f0, 0x5869020 [ID=41]

0x58394f0: i32 = X86ISD::GlobalBaseReg [ID=22]

0x5869020: i32 = X86ISD::Wrapper 0x5868f10 [ID=33]

0x5868f10: i32 = TargetConstantPool<<4 x float> <float 0x406FFFFFE0000000, float 0x406FFFFFE0000000, float 0x406FFFFFE0000000, float 0x406FFFFFE0000000>> 0 [TF=2] [ID=25]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5868938: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x58688b0 [ORD=96] [ID=97]

0x58688b0: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.cvttps2dq 0x58681b8, 0x5868828 [ORD=95] [ID=93]

0x58681b8: i32 = Constant<629> [ORD=80] [ID=13]

0x5868828: v4f32 = fmul 0x5867e88, 0x5868e00 [ORD=94] [ID=89]

0x5867e88: v4f32 = fmul 0x5867e00, 0x5868350 [ORD=74] [ID=85]

0x5867e00: v4f32 = llvm.x86.sse2.cvtdq2ps 0x5839d70, 0x5867d78 [ORD=73] [ID=81]

0x5839d70: i32 = Constant<617> [ORD=56] [ID=12]

0x5867d78: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bed0 [ORD=72] [ID=77]

0x586bed0: v4f32 = X86ISD::MOVHLPS 0x586bcb0, 0x586bdc0 [ID=73]

0x586bcb0: v4f32 = X86ISD::UNPCKHPS 0x5839468, 0x5839578 [ID=67]

0x5839468: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5837248 [ORD=34] [ID=64]

0x5837248: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.d 0x5837ac8, 0x5837688, 0x5837138 [ORD=29] [ID=61]

0x5837ac8: i32 = Constant<689> [ORD=27] [ID=9]

0x5837688: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.d 0x5839138, 0x5837028, 0x5837930 [ORD=24] [ID=57]

0x5839138: i32 = Constant<677> [ORD=23] [ID=6]

0x5837028: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=22] [ID=54]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5837930: i32 = Constant<24> [ORD=24] [ID=8]

0x5837138: i32 = Constant<28> [ORD=28] [ID=11]

0x5839578: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5837d70 [ORD=36] [ID=63]

0x5837d70: v2i64 = and 0x58373e0, 0x586b750 [ORD=26] [ID=59]

0x58373e0: v2i64 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=25] [ID=55]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x586b750: v2i64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x586b6c8, 0x5837a40<LD16[ConstantPool]> [ID=50]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x586b6c8: i32 = add 0x58394f0, 0x586b640 [ID=42]

0x58394f0: i32 = X86ISD::GlobalBaseReg [ID=22]

0x586b640: i32 = X86ISD::Wrapper 0x586b5b8 [ID=34]

0x586b5b8: i32 = TargetConstantPool<<4 x i32> <i32 15, i32 15, i32 15, i32 15>> 0 [TF=2] [ID=26]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x586bdc0: v4f32 = X86ISD::UNPCKHPS 0x58372d0, 0x5839358 [ID=69]

0x58372d0: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5837578 [ORD=30] [ID=60]

0x5837578: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.d 0x5837ac8, 0x5837028, 0x5837820 [ORD=27] [ID=56]

0x5837ac8: i32 = Constant<689> [ORD=27] [ID=9]

0x5837028: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=22] [ID=54]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5837820: i32 = Constant<12> [ORD=27] [ID=10]

0x5839358: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x58371c0 [ORD=32] [ID=65]

0x58371c0: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.d 0x5837ac8, 0x5837bd8, 0x5837138 [ORD=28] [ID=62]

0x5837ac8: i32 = Constant<689> [ORD=27] [ID=9]

0x5837bd8: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.d 0x5839138, 0x5837028, 0x5838fa0 [ORD=23] [ID=58]

0x5839138: i32 = Constant<677> [ORD=23] [ID=6]

0x5837028: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=22] [ID=54]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5838fa0: i32 = Constant<20> [ORD=23] [ID=7]

0x5837138: i32 = Constant<28> [ORD=28] [ID=11]

0x5868350: v4f32,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x58689c0, 0x5837a40<LD16[ConstantPool]> [ID=48]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58689c0: i32 = add 0x58394f0, 0x58687a0 [ID=40]

0x58394f0: i32 = X86ISD::GlobalBaseReg [ID=22]

0x58687a0: i32 = X86ISD::Wrapper 0x5868570 [ID=32]

0x5868570: i32 = TargetConstantPool<<4 x float> <float 0x3FB1111120000000, float 0x3FB1111120000000, float 0x3FB1111120000000, float 0x3FB1111120000000>> 0 [TF=2] [ID=24]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5868e00: v4f32,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x586ab18, 0x5837a40<LD16[ConstantPool]> [ID=49]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x586ab18: i32 = add 0x58394f0, 0x5869020 [ID=41]

0x58394f0: i32 = X86ISD::GlobalBaseReg [ID=22]

0x5869020: i32 = X86ISD::Wrapper 0x5868f10 [ID=33]

0x5868f10: i32 = TargetConstantPool<<4 x float> <float 0x406FFFFFE0000000, float 0x406FFFFFE0000000, float 0x406FFFFFE0000000, float 0x406FFFFFE0000000>> 0 [TF=2] [ID=25]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x586c200: v4f32 = X86ISD::UNPCKHPS 0x58682c8, 0x58684e8 [ID=99]

0x58682c8: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5868240 [ORD=81] [ID=94]

0x5868240: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.cvttps2dq 0x58681b8, 0x5868130 [ORD=80] [ID=90]

0x58681b8: i32 = Constant<629> [ORD=80] [ID=13]

0x5868130: v4f32 = fmul 0x5867828, 0x5868e00 [ORD=79] [ID=86]

0x5867828: v4f32 = fmul 0x5867608, 0x5868350 [ORD=59] [ID=82]

0x5867608: v4f32 = llvm.x86.sse2.cvtdq2ps 0x5839d70, 0x5839ce8 [ORD=56] [ID=78]

0x5839d70: i32 = Constant<617> [ORD=56] [ID=12]

0x5839ce8: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586c068 [ORD=55] [ID=74]

0x586c068: v4f32 = X86ISD::MOVLHPS 0x586be48, 0x586bd38 [ID=70]

0x586be48: v4f32 = X86ISD::UNPCKLPS 0x58372d0, 0x5839358 [ID=68]

0x58372d0: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5837578 [ORD=30] [ID=60]

0x5837578: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.d 0x5837ac8, 0x5837028, 0x5837820 [ORD=27] [ID=56]

0x5837ac8: i32 = Constant<689> [ORD=27] [ID=9]

0x5837028: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=22] [ID=54]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5837820: i32 = Constant<12> [ORD=27] [ID=10]

0x5839358: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x58371c0 [ORD=32] [ID=65]

0x58371c0: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.d 0x5837ac8, 0x5837bd8, 0x5837138 [ORD=28] [ID=62]

0x5837ac8: i32 = Constant<689> [ORD=27] [ID=9]

0x5837bd8: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.d 0x5839138, 0x5837028, 0x5838fa0 [ORD=23] [ID=58]

0x5839138: i32 = Constant<677> [ORD=23] [ID=6]

0x5837028: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=22] [ID=54]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5838fa0: i32 = Constant<20> [ORD=23] [ID=7]

0x5837138: i32 = Constant<28> [ORD=28] [ID=11]

0x586bd38: v4f32 = X86ISD::UNPCKLPS 0x5839468, 0x5839578 [ID=66]

0x5839468: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5837248 [ORD=34] [ID=64]

0x5837248: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.d 0x5837ac8, 0x5837688, 0x5837138 [ORD=29] [ID=61]

0x5837ac8: i32 = Constant<689> [ORD=27] [ID=9]

0x5837688: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.d 0x5839138, 0x5837028, 0x5837930 [ORD=24] [ID=57]

0x5839138: i32 = Constant<677> [ORD=23] [ID=6]

0x5837028: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=22] [ID=54]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5837930: i32 = Constant<24> [ORD=24] [ID=8]

0x5837138: i32 = Constant<28> [ORD=28] [ID=11]

0x5839578: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5837d70 [ORD=36] [ID=63]

0x5837d70: v2i64 = and 0x58373e0, 0x586b750 [ORD=26] [ID=59]

0x58373e0: v2i64 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=25] [ID=55]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x586b750: v2i64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x586b6c8, 0x5837a40<LD16[ConstantPool]> [ID=50]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x586b6c8: i32 = add 0x58394f0, 0x586b640 [ID=42]

0x58394f0: i32 = X86ISD::GlobalBaseReg [ID=22]

0x586b640: i32 = X86ISD::Wrapper 0x586b5b8 [ID=34]

0x586b5b8: i32 = TargetConstantPool<<4 x i32> <i32 15, i32 15, i32 15, i32 15>> 0 [TF=2] [ID=26]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5868350: v4f32,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x58689c0, 0x5837a40<LD16[ConstantPool]> [ID=48]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58689c0: i32 = add 0x58394f0, 0x58687a0 [ID=40]

0x58394f0: i32 = X86ISD::GlobalBaseReg [ID=22]

0x58687a0: i32 = X86ISD::Wrapper 0x5868570 [ID=32]

0x5868570: i32 = TargetConstantPool<<4 x float> <float 0x3FB1111120000000, float 0x3FB1111120000000, float 0x3FB1111120000000, float 0x3FB1111120000000>> 0 [TF=2] [ID=24]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5868e00: v4f32,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x586ab18, 0x5837a40<LD16[ConstantPool]> [ID=49]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x586ab18: i32 = add 0x58394f0, 0x5869020 [ID=41]

0x58394f0: i32 = X86ISD::GlobalBaseReg [ID=22]

0x5869020: i32 = X86ISD::Wrapper 0x5868f10 [ID=33]

0x5868f10: i32 = TargetConstantPool<<4 x float> <float 0x406FFFFFE0000000, float 0x406FFFFFE0000000, float 0x406FFFFFE0000000, float 0x406FFFFFE0000000>> 0 [TF=2] [ID=25]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x58684e8: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5868460 [ORD=86] [ID=95]

0x5868460: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.cvttps2dq 0x58681b8, 0x58683d8 [ORD=85] [ID=91]

0x58681b8: i32 = Constant<629> [ORD=80] [ID=13]

0x58683d8: v4f32 = fmul 0x5867a48, 0x5868e00 [ORD=84] [ID=87]

0x5867a48: v4f32 = fmul 0x58679c0, 0x5868350 [ORD=64] [ID=83]

0x58679c0: v4f32 = llvm.x86.sse2.cvtdq2ps 0x5839d70, 0x5867938 [ORD=63] [ID=79]

0x5839d70: i32 = Constant<617> [ORD=56] [ID=12]

0x5867938: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bfe0 [ORD=62] [ID=75]

0x586bfe0: v4f32 = X86ISD::MOVHLPS 0x586bd38, 0x586be48 [ID=71]

0x586bd38: v4f32 = X86ISD::UNPCKLPS 0x5839468, 0x5839578 [ID=66]

0x5839468: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5837248 [ORD=34] [ID=64]

0x5837248: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.d 0x5837ac8, 0x5837688, 0x5837138 [ORD=29] [ID=61]

0x5837ac8: i32 = Constant<689> [ORD=27] [ID=9]

0x5837688: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.d 0x5839138, 0x5837028, 0x5837930 [ORD=24] [ID=57]

0x5839138: i32 = Constant<677> [ORD=23] [ID=6]

0x5837028: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=22] [ID=54]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5837930: i32 = Constant<24> [ORD=24] [ID=8]

0x5837138: i32 = Constant<28> [ORD=28] [ID=11]

0x5839578: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5837d70 [ORD=36] [ID=63]

0x5837d70: v2i64 = and 0x58373e0, 0x586b750 [ORD=26] [ID=59]

0x58373e0: v2i64 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=25] [ID=55]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x586b750: v2i64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x586b6c8, 0x5837a40<LD16[ConstantPool]> [ID=50]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x586b6c8: i32 = add 0x58394f0, 0x586b640 [ID=42]

0x58394f0: i32 = X86ISD::GlobalBaseReg [ID=22]

0x586b640: i32 = X86ISD::Wrapper 0x586b5b8 [ID=34]

0x586b5b8: i32 = TargetConstantPool<<4 x i32> <i32 15, i32 15, i32 15, i32 15>> 0 [TF=2] [ID=26]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x586be48: v4f32 = X86ISD::UNPCKLPS 0x58372d0, 0x5839358 [ID=68]

0x58372d0: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x5837578 [ORD=30] [ID=60]

0x5837578: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.d 0x5837ac8, 0x5837028, 0x5837820 [ORD=27] [ID=56]

0x5837ac8: i32 = Constant<689> [ORD=27] [ID=9]

0x5837028: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=22] [ID=54]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5837820: i32 = Constant<12> [ORD=27] [ID=10]

0x5839358: v4f32 = bit_convert 0x58371c0 [ORD=32] [ID=65]

0x58371c0: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.psrli.d 0x5837ac8, 0x5837bd8, 0x5837138 [ORD=28] [ID=62]

0x5837ac8: i32 = Constant<689> [ORD=27] [ID=9]

0x5837bd8: v4i32 = llvm.x86.sse2.pslli.d 0x5839138, 0x5837028, 0x5838fa0 [ORD=23] [ID=58]

0x5839138: i32 = Constant<677> [ORD=23] [ID=6]

0x5837028: v4i32 = bit_convert 0x586bc28 [ORD=22] [ID=54]

0x586bc28: v8i16 = X86ISD::PUNPCKLWD 0x58378a8, 0x5867f10 [ID=53]

0x58378a8: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x586ba08 [ORD=20] [ID=52]

0x586ba08: v2f64 = X86ISD::VZEXT_MOVL 0x586b860 [ID=51]

0x586b860: v2f64 = scalar_to_vector 0x58379b8 [ID=43]

0x58379b8: f64,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x5837ce8, 0x5837a40<LD8[%19]> [ORD=17] [ID=35]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x5837ce8: i32,ch = CopyFromReg 0x555b2d4, 0x58374f0 [ORD=14] [ID=28]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58374f0: i32 = Register %reg16395 [ORD=14] [ID=1]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5867f10: v8i16 = bit_convert 0x5867cf0 [ID=39]

0x5867cf0: v4i32 = BUILD_VECTOR 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0, 0x5867ad0 [ID=31]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5867ad0: i32 = TargetConstant<0> [ID=23]

0x5838fa0: i32 = Constant<20> [ORD=23] [ID=7]

0x5837138: i32 = Constant<28> [ORD=28] [ID=11]

0x5868350: v4f32,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x58689c0, 0x5837a40<LD16[ConstantPool]> [ID=48]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x58689c0: i32 = add 0x58394f0, 0x58687a0 [ID=40]

0x58394f0: i32 = X86ISD::GlobalBaseReg [ID=22]

0x58687a0: i32 = X86ISD::Wrapper 0x5868570 [ID=32]

0x5868570: i32 = TargetConstantPool<<4 x float> <float 0x3FB1111120000000, float 0x3FB1111120000000, float 0x3FB1111120000000, float 0x3FB1111120000000>> 0 [TF=2] [ID=24]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5868e00: v4f32,ch = load 0x555b2d4, 0x586ab18, 0x5837a40<LD16[ConstantPool]> [ID=49]

0x555b2d4: ch = EntryToken [ORD=14] [ID=0]

0x586ab18: i32 = add 0x58394f0, 0x5869020 [ID=41]

0x58394f0: i32 = X86ISD::GlobalBaseReg [ID=22]

0x5869020: i32 = X86ISD::Wrapper 0x5868f10 [ID=33]

0x5868f10: i32 = TargetConstantPool<<4 x float> <float 0x406FFFFFE0000000, float 0x406FFFFFE0000000, float 0x406FFFFFE0000000, float 0x406FFFFFE0000000>> 0 [TF=2] [ID=25]

0x5837a40: i32 = undef [ORD=17] [ID=5]

0x5837930: i32 = Constant<24> [ORD=24] [ID=8]

Program ended with exit code: 1

问题解决:出错的运行环境是(2011 15" MBP+cocos2d 0.99.5+iPad 4.3 Simulator)。旧MBP+cocos2d 0.995+iPad 4.3 Simulator:通过。
2011 15" MBP+cocos2d 0.995+iPad 4.3 Device:通过。
2011 15" MBP+cocos2d 0.995+iPad older Simulator:通过。

查了一下,网上集中在New sandy bridge MBP+OpenGL+4.3 Simulator,这组合都有这个问题,可能是新MBP使用的新硬件导致的LLVM的bug。