Electric motor
3 sections of mainboard
Cooling fan
Two cameras
IR projector
4 microphones
Four different kinds of screws
15 chips including:
Wolfson Stereo ADC with microphone preamp
Fairchild N-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET
NEC USB 2.0 hub controller
Unidentified SAP package chip
Camera interface controller
Marvell SoC camera interface controller
Hynix 512Mb DDR2 SDRAM
Analog Devices CMOS Rail-to-Rail Output Operational Amplifier
TI 8-bit, 8-channel Sampling A/D converter
Allegro low voltage stepper and single/dual motor driver
ST 8Mbit NV flash memory
PrimeSense image sensor processor
TI USB audio controller
Kionix accelerometer